New Delhi Even as airport officials and the Met department brainstormed over the weekend on whether the heavy smog that had settled over Delhi was due to the soot from the Jaipur IOC fire, Delhi pollution data accessed by Newsline before and after the fire, suggests the noxious haze was in the making much before the fire.

Even as India and China

In India the elongated, deep purple ovoid is considered one of the humblest of vegetables. The Bengalis call it begun which means a vegetable that has no virtue. But now the lowly brinjal has become the eye of the storm that is forcing you to sit up and take notice as you sit down to eat.

In order to negotiate effectively on an international regime for climate change, US policymakers must have an accurate understanding of the constraints and considerations that determine the negotiating positions of key countries. India plays a pivotal role in these efforts.

Most popular paints in India contain high quantities of lead, a toxin especially dangerous to children. The Centre for Science and Environment

Modern houses are suffused with harmful chemicals. One of them is lead, present in paints. It is banned in several countries but not in India. The Centre for Science and Environment tested popular paints in India for lead content. It found 72 per cent of the samples had lead much higher than the voluntary limit specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Only the Dulux brand of ICI was

New Delhi: It got banned in some developed countries more than a century ago but the Centre for Science and Environment has found unacceptable levels of deadly lead in the enamel paints it tested. Seventy two per cent samples of enamel paints tested by the NGO

Independent experts should be truly independent

Joginder Singh

Food adulteration, which is the act of intentionally debasing the quality of food offered for sale either by the admixture or substitution of inferior substances or by the removal of some valuable ingredient, is something that has been rampant in our country. This is so despite the existence of stringent laws against the malpractice.

The local public of Baihata Chariali, Kamalpur and Puthimari areas under Rangiya subdivision have strongly demanded closure of the coke industries at Dolmagate near Puthimari and Kamalpur.
