The government will soon come out with an exhaustive manual for practical management of drought mitigation and relief measures.

The objectives of the National Policy on Disaster Management are: Promoting a culture of prevention, preparedness and resilience at all levels through knowledge, innovation and

This paper features the World Food Program's activities to support and implement country-led solutions to climate change and climate-related hunger by providing assistance in: response to climate-related hunger crises and disasters; disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness; community adaptation; climate change mitigation; social protection and safety nets; and advocacy and public pol

Disaster response in an urban environment presents a wide variety of challenges. This paper draws on experience from the responses to number of urban disasters, including earthquake

This report is the summary of a project implemented in Orissa, India which aims to carry out a resilience process at community level in order to bring local priorities and capacities of disaster prone vulnerable communities to disaster risk reduction programming.

This SOP lays down the specific actions required to be taken by various Ministries and Departments of Government of India and Organisations under the control of Government of India at the National level and concerned State Governments and the district administration for responding to natural disasters of any magnitude and dimension.

BHUBANESWAR: The World Bank has approved the India Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (ICRMP) for implementation in Orissa.

Phase I of the project, estimated at $ 247 mn, may be implemented between 2010 and 2015 after the appraisal.

ICRMP was initially planned for 13 states but only Orissa and Andhra Pradesh could complete the formalities successfully.

Five years after the Indian Ocean disaster, the technology is in place, but local preparedness is less advanced.

Lake Sarez was born nearly a century ago, when a mountainside in Tajikistan crumbled during a magnitude-7.4 earthquake. The 567-meter-high landslide blocked an alpine river, forming the world's tallest dam. Since then, the valley behind it has filled with 17 billion cubic meters of snow and glacier melt.

A participatory assessment of the conditions for strengthening the technology
