This report aims at developing a common action plan that would facilitate public-private partnerships (PPP) for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in East Asia, based on an evaluation of PPP case studies and consultations with stakeholders.

This study describes the areas of focus for the ADB Pacific Department's operations, identifies key gaps between country and ADB actions, as well as opportunities for scaling up ADB's assistance related to mitigation, adaptation and associated crosscutting needs.

This regional manual aims at building the capacity of coastal zone managers to design and implement coastal development projects that enhance protection of lives and livelihoods, while improving environmental quality and protecting ecosystem services.

Though Assam and other parts of the North East are considered vulnerable to high intensity earthquakes and considering the vulnerability of the region, the Government of India deployed a battalion of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) in Assam, the preparedness of Assam to deal with any such eventuality is still not adequate.

TE Narasimhan / Chennai November 04, 2009, 0:25 IST

The bonds will help economies get cheaper insurance against natural disasters.

The World Bank has launched a

With the threat of increased disasters from climate change, many countries are already taking steps to reduce their vulnerability to weather and climatic hazards, such as floods, cyclones, heatwaves and droughts. Adaptation to climate change is a relatively new concern, but it can call on a rich tradition spanning many decades of practices to reduce disaster risks.

This handbook is designed for media professionals who are interested in issues regarding disaster risk reduction. It aims to help conceptualize the risks, expand knowledge on how to incorporate disaster risk reduction in current programmes, and design and develop appropriate programmes to communicate the risk with relevant audiences.

This note reports on examples of recent experience in eight countries where national and local governments and civil society participants have worked to strengthen their disaster risk reduction and adaptation actions.

The goal of Kerala Disaster Management Policy is to institute structures and systems and to establish directive principles for effective disaster risk and crisis management in order to minimise human, property, environment and livelihood losses and to contribute to the sustainability of development and better standards of living for poor and vulnerable sections.

This publication outlines good practices, providing practical case studies of successful disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation projects implemented by ACT members or their partners around the world. The guide includes 14 case studies, which describe local projects that range from renewable energy to controlling water in areas that have too little (or too much).
