United Nations: Though India still has to travel a long distance to eradicate poverty, it is pursuing

US President Barack Obama called on Wednesday for new ways to tackle global poverty and said his administration would focus its help to the poor on promoting economic growth and fighting corruption.

Mr Obama told a special UN summit that for too long progress in fighting poverty was measured by the sums spent to deliver food and medicine

The city of Nanjing, capital of China

Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed said Tuesday that the Maldives wants to achieve economic development through environment friendly new technologies.

Speaking at Yale University during his visit to New York to participate in UN General Assembly, the Vice President noted that the biggest challenge faced by Maldives is the threat to the Maldives security due to climate change.

Dr Waheed said un

China, India and Indonesia are likely to face much higher losses from natural disasters in coming decades as their economies grow faster than their capacity for disaster prevention and relief, a new report has forecast.

That means more foreign investment projects will be exposed to disaster damage as economic growth brings more factories, roads and other infrastructure to the region, which suff

A SURFEIT of declarations, commitments and pledges to banish poverty in the developing world culminates in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) summit in New York (20-22 September, 2010). What lends urgency to this mega event is the fact that there are just five years left to achieve, say, MDG1 (i.e., halve extreme poverty) by 2015.

Rajiv Tikoo

New Delhi: The three-day United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) summit beginning from Monday in New York will take stock of the global progress and what more remains to be done to achieve the goals.

According to a study conducted by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), over the last quarter Delhi (National Capital Region) has emerged as the fastest employment generating city of the four metropolises, other three being Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 launched here on Friday indicated that the country has failed to achieve its goals due to slow economic growth, severe energy crises, socio-political problems, security issues, war on terror and recent flood in the country.

Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Dr Nadeemul Haq

Tightening the green noose around the city
