NEW DELHI: Even as innovative and cheaply priced products targeted at India's booming middle class are helping to spur domestic consumption and growth, this segment of the population remains vulnerable to economic shocks and carefully calibrated policy measures will be needed to sustain income gains in the longer-term, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has said.

In a special chapter of


The increasing demand for new states raises a number of questions with regard to the well-being of India’s federal democratic polity. There are four measures that must be considered while devising any framework to address the issue of federal
reorganisation. These are: the constitution of a permanent State Reorganisation Commission, amendment of the Constitution to
ensure that the demand for a new state emanates from the state legislature and not at the centre, examination of economic and

It is an empirical fact that it is very difficult to balance economic growth, poverty reduction, and environment protection, particularly for developing and transitional economies.

This report examines the impact of the global financial crisis
on the budgets of low-income countries, especially their spending to
reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

New Delhi: It isn

Against the

The State Finance Commission, although a technical and quasijudicial constitutional entity like the Union Finance Commission, has to help local governments plan for economic development and deliver social justice and public services at the local level.

UNCTAD estimates FDI flows worldwide to recover slightly

NEW DELHI: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on Thursday said India would emerge as the third largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) for the three-year period ending 2012.
