The Pakistan Millennium Development Goals Report 2010, produced by the Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan analyses the present status and challenges towards achieving the MDGs in Pakistan. It is a comprehensive document which will generate discussions in both public and private sector organization focused on economic and social development.

The 2008

This publication provides background information and a framework for discussing mountain issues in the context of the current climate change dialogue. It synthesizes the state of current knowledge and provides an overview of the evolution and status of the global Mountain agenda from the time it was agreed upon during the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 to the UNFCCC processes.

More than three decades after its first publication in 1979, The Global Competitiveness Report series continues to provide the world

The Trade and Development Report 2010 focuses on the need to make employment creation a priority in economic policy. Unemployment is the most pressing social and economic problem of our time, not least because, especially in developing countries, it is closely related to poverty.

There are only five years left to reach 2015 in achieving the MDGs. World leaders are once again gathering at the United Nations High-level Plenary Meeting on the MDGs in September 2010 in New York to assess some of the likely outcomes on present trends, identify some of the weakest areas of performance, and identify priorities for accelerated action.

R Krishna Das / Raipur August 30, 2010, 0:05 IST

Posts a growth rate of 11.49 per cent, surpasses Gujarat.

Chhattisgarh, often considered a hot-bed of left wing extremism, has emerged as the state with the highest economic growth in the last financial year.

The state, which was carved out of Madhya Pradesh in November 2000, posted a growth rate of 11.49 per cent in constant prices to Rs 6

BHUBANESWAR: In 2004, the Centre for Monitoring of Indian Economy (CMIE) had predicted that the State had potential to attract FDI worth $ 40 billion in view of its huge bauxite, iron ore and coking coal reserves.

Interestingly, the big ticket investments like Posco, Mittal etc queued up into Orissa from 2005.

Bangladesh has been ranked 88th among the 100 countries in the first-ever list of the world's best countries prepared by international newsmagazine, Newsweek in its latest issue.
For this special survey, published in its August 23 & 30 issue, Newsweek chose five categories of national well-being such as educati

