Chief Minister Digambar Kamat today said that the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) which were not notified and scrapped will die a natural death in wake of the State withdrawing the SEZ Policy.
Replying to cut motions tabled by the Opposition in the House, Kamat said that the State had asked these SEZ companies to revert back the land allotted by the government.

Anantapur, July 20: Jubilant small and medium scale entrepreneurs came forward to set up various industries in Anantapur district, following state government

The relationship between capital and nature gravitates towards a policy of primary accumulation. This article provides an analysis of the imposition of capitalist property rights over natural resources in India as processes of primary accumulation. These processes are evidenced by the construction of large dams and mines, in addition to the proliferation of free market environmentalism.

In a remote village of district Chamoli, Uttarakhand, farmer Hari Singh no longer needs to travel to the distant bank branch.

A vast amount of research has asked how and why the growth rates in the Indian economy have risen in recent decades. Implicit in much of that literature is the belief that if the growth rate has increased it must be because something underlying has changed – had some parameters embedded in the “structure” of the economy not changed, the growth rate would have been constant.

The State government has released a sum of Rs 1.5 crore for Kodagu district to take up developmental projects in villages selected under first and third phase of Suvarna Gramodaya Yojana, for the year 2010-11.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) today revised the growth forecast for India made in April 2010 by about 75 basis points to 9.5 per cent for calendar year 2010. The Fund, however, retained its forecast for 2011 at 8.5 per cent.

Rukmini Shrinivasan TIMES INSIGHT GROUP

On Monday, industry associations were quick to put out figures estimating the loss suffered by India on account of the bandh, figures that were then repeated ad nauseum as talking points by UPA members. A closer look at the numbers, however, shows that they were way off base if not entirely impossible to calculate.

Mumbai Self-Governance : Bill in Assembly soon

The draft of the Maharashtra Special Economic Zones and Designated Areas Act, 2010, proposes that SEZs be made independent entities outside the scope of local bodies like the municipal corporation or council, or the gram panchayat.

Once the legislation goes through, SEZ developers

To generate employment in the State and to encourage investments in financial and social infrastructure, the Government announced the launch of a new Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy while presenting the budget 2009-2010. The broad outlook of the new policy not only focuses on industrial investments but has also aimed at encouraging investment in service sector.
