Railways Gears Up To Acquire Land In Nandigram, Sweetens Deal For Farmers
Rakhi Mazumdar KOLKATA

IN A move rich in symbolism, the Railways is poised to acquire land in Nandigram, which had witnessed a violent land war back in March 2007 shortly after the Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee government had tried to acquire farmlands for a proposed mega chemical hub by Indonesia

Controlling carbon emissions, solid waste management, water recycling and providing safe and affordable houses to the poor are some of the issues deliberated at the three-day Intern-ational Conference on Good Urban Governance, which began on Thursday.


Rituparna Bhuyan

New Delhi: The board of approval (BoA) on special economic zones will not consider any proposal from states that have not fast-tracked their clearances for the projects. The board, the final authority that decides on SEZ-related matters, will discuss the plan at its meeting on February 11.

Urban poverty, when directly measured by counting the persons unable to access the official nutrition norm of 2,100 calories through their total monthly spending on all goods and services, declined between 1983 and 1993-94, but rose substantially between 1993-94 and 2004-05 while poverty depth has increased.

India and China are close to firming up a bilateral trade expansion agreement, in time for Commerce Minister Anand Sharma

That Bihar has achieved double-digit economic growth over the past five years is a wonder
T N Ninan / New Delhi January 16, 2010, 0:07 IST

All mega cement plants, except one, coming up in the state have fallen well behind schedule due to problems in acquisition of land, opposition from local people and failure of the promoters obtain various mandatory clearances.

NEW DELHI: After over two decades, the Delhi Government has come out with an industrial policy that envisages promotion of clean, hi-tech, non-polluting and knowledge-based industries in the Capital. The policy, however, seeks to achieve the objective without closure of existing industrial units engaged in low-skilled activities.


US secretary of state Hillary Clinton on Thursday said that countries like India are emerging as major contributors to global development efforts which has emerged as a key foreign policy tool.
