The objective of this study is to prepare a medium-term strategy for the recovery and growth of the industrial sector in Punjab against the backdrop of resurgent growth in the Indian economy, the improved performance of the industrial sector generally
across India, and the expanding opportunities offered by the greater integration of the Indian economy with the rest of the world.

This Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) 2009 is being written against the backdrop of a global financial crisis, declining growth, and massive fiscal stimulus efforts to revitalize markets. Demand for greater development support from the World Bank has grown, along with concerns that resources be used effectively and efficiently to achieve their development

The International Transport Forum 2009 took place at a very difficult time, with finances drying up, companies failing, supply chains weakened, and protectionism on the increase. There are real fears that the transport sector will be seriously damaged by this sudden and profound downturn, with important implications for economies and societies.

Catastrophes caused by natural disasters are by no means new, yet the evolving understanding of their relevance to economic development and growth is still in its infancy. In order to facilitate further necessary research on this topic, this paper summarizes the state of the economic literature examining the aggregate impact of disasters.

The method employed in this study of the nature of imperial purpose in India sought to compare the principles against the practice of British rule in relation to

This paper lays out a strategy - a Global Green New Deal - for reducing greenhouse gas emissions without sacrificing development. The crux of the strategy relies on a big investment push that quickly lowers the cost of renewable energy.

Within the framework of its continued efforts to reduce food insecurity and alleviate poverty, the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department encourages commercial or business-oriented aquaculture as a means of increasing food availability and accessibility, employment and income, and improving national economies, especially in developing countries.

In the outlook, global economic recovery is expected to remain sluggish, unemployment rates will stay high and inflation will remain low. Developing countries, especially those in Asia, are expected to show the strongest recovery in 2010. Nonetheless, growth is expected to remain well below potential and the pre-crisis levels of performance in the developing world.

Karnataka is one amongst the industrially developed States in the Country. The State has all potential to stand out on the fore front and has been focusing on development of industries, trade and service sectors. The State Government understands that the challenges poised due to global economic recession have to be addressed to promote economic growth of the State.

Rethinking Poverty, the 2010 issue of the Report on the World Social Situation seeks to contribute to rethinking poverty and its eradication. It affirms the urgent need for a strategic shift away from the market fundamentalist thinking, policies and practices of recent decades towards more sustainable development- and equity-oriented policies appropriate to national conditions and circumstances.
