One of society

Shireen Vakil Miller

The anomaly between impressive economic growth and appalling rates of malnourishment is not peculiar to Bihar. The country as a whole records malnourishment rates that do not reflect the economic growth. A scene in Madhya Pradesh.

Prof P S Ramakrishnan of the Jawaharlal Nehru University

CHENNAI: Considering the flow of investments from Japan and Korea, the State government will set up separate country-specific industrial parks with a complete eco-system, said Deputy Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Monday.

The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has published a report titled "Regional Analysis for Policy Reforms to Promote Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investments." The report provides recommendations to develop and implement policy reforms supporting market formation and fostering a favorable climate for investments in the sectors of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

The report focuses on the critical question of advancing gender equality, as seen through the prism of women

This paper explores the broad contours of climate resilient industrial development paths. It defines development as an increase in local capacities for production and innovation and argues that the overarching goal of development is the generation of sustainable livelihoods.

This paper looks at the role of governance and institutions in supporting growth and broadening inclusiveness with a special reference to developing Asia. While the intrinsic value of good governance and institutions as ends of development in their own right is now universally accepted and underlies the very notion of inclusiveness, their instrumental value as a means toward

This paper focuses on the economic impact of the global crisis on South Asia and the policy measures pursued.It analyzes the effectiveness of these policies and raises the critical longerterm issues, which to date have largely been ignored.

Since the recent, very tangible manifestations of the multiple crises in our economic, environmental, and social systems, there is increasing recognition of the need to change how we do things. This has led to the more regular use of words such as transition, transformation, and eco-innovation, especially in areas of environmental and industrial research but also in economic contexts.
