In 2019, the EU electricity sector emitted 12 per cent less CO2 than in the previous year. At the same time, the share of renewables in electricity production rose EU-wide to 35 per cent, a new record. These are the main findings in a study of current electricity data carried out by Agora Energiewende and climate think-tank Sandbag. Greenhouse gas emissions from EU power plants declined more sharply in 2019 than in any year since at least 1990. All in all, emissions fell by 120 million tonnes, a decrease of 12 per cent relative to the previous year’s level.

Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. The idea of ‘leave no one behind’ is inherent to all the SDGs.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sharath RK Vs State of Karnataka dated 09/01/2020 regarding illegal construction of houses and shops under the high power transmission lines without safety distance as per the laid down norms in Ashwath Nagar, Thanisandra main road, Bangalore, Karnataka.

Greenpeace East Asia and the North China Electric Power University have released their first-ever renewable energy ranking of China’s tech giants. Data center operator Chindata took the top spot, with a score of 80 out of 100. Alibaba received a score of 60, edging out Tencent, GDS and Baidu, which scored 52, 48 and 46, respectively.

Many Arab countries, despite currently low to negligible renewable energy use, have set ambitious targets to increase their shares of renewables. Yet power-system planning is frequently constrained by cost implications and the lack of first-hand experience with renewables.

Sweden has set out to meet 100% of its electricity needs from renewable sources by 2040. With the essential infrastructure for a decarbonised power system in place, the country is well positioned to help the world meet the crucial climate goals.

Sweden has set out to meet 100% of its electricity needs from renewable sources by 2040. With the essential infrastructure for a decarbonised power system in place, the country is well positioned to help the world meet the crucial climate goals.

The world’s existing electricity systems were designed mainly for conventional, centralised power generation. Large plants have generated the bulk of electricity, frequently based on fossil fuels, and dispatched it to consumers based on relatively inflexible schedules.

During the 1990s, a new paradigm for power sector reform was put forward that emphasized the restructuring of utilities, the creation of regulators, the participation of the private sector, and the establishment of competitive power markets.

This report draws together the key strands of analysis and results from capacity support activities undertaken as part of the “Ambition to Action” (A2A) project in Argentina between March 2017 and October 2019.
