This report draws together the key strands of analysis and results from analytical and capacity support activities undertaken as part of the “Ambition to Action” (A2A) project in Kenya between March 2017 and December 2019.

The Government of Costa Rica has become the 14th country to submit its long-term strategy for low-emission development (LTS) to the UNFCCC Secretariat.

RE100 has experienced its biggest year yet. Membership is up by a third, with 40% of growth from the Asia-Pacific, and the collective renewable electricity demand of member companies now equates to the 21st largest electricity consuming country in the world.

Major gaps in knowledge are limiting better targeting of energy access subsidies in India. The latest distributional analyses of energy consumption subsidies—that is, how benefits are shared across different income groups—are based on 2011 census data that are now significantly dated.

Refugees and displaced people mostly depend on energy that is unsustainable and can harm their health and well-being. Sustainable energy based on renewables, in contrast, bridges the gap between humanitarian response and development, enhancing the well-being of displaced people and communities.

Power systems need to be increasingly flexible to accommodate rising solar and wind shares. One way to achieve this is by adjusting the demand for electricity to better match generation from solar and wind energy over the course of each hour, day, week or longer timeframe.

Limiting global warming to 2 or 1.5°C requires a virtually decarbonized power sector by 2050.The world is not on track to achieve this. In 2018, while renewable energy (RE) generated ¼ of global power, coal produced 38%, and remained the largest source of electricity generation, producing 30% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Bhutan has long aspired to grow in a sustainable manner, prioritising both the well-being of its citizens and environmental conservation.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Electricity production by renewable and non-renewable sources, 19/11/2019.

This study aims at supporting decision making in the electricity sector in Kenya by comparing geothermal and coal as two main power generation technologies, and the impact of developing these technologies on generation costs, affordability of electricity, and overall flexibility and reliability of electricity supply.
