Notwithstanding the action against illegal units engaged in dyeing, washing or electroplating steel sheets, hundreds of units are reportedly operating.

The National Green Tribunal has directed Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) to submit within two weeks a list of slaughter houses in Uttar Pradesh after a plea alleged they were discharg

Gurgaon: As long as the 21st-century man will continue to tamper with natural buffers like the Aravali hills, hotter summers (and warmer winters) will become a way of life.

NOIDA: Following reports of a resurgence in usage of polythene bags in and around Noida, despite an imposed, existing ban, the city district offices have decided to launch fresh raids and increase

Despite a complete ban on the use of polythene bags, as ordered by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) and enforced by the state government on April 1, eradication of one of the worst pollutants cont

Navratna CPSU National Aluminium Company Limited (Nalco) has bagged the prestigious India Pride Award for the year 2015-16 for CSR, Environment Protection and Conservation, instituted by the Dainik

The anaesthetics used by a hospital contribute to global warming in the same proportion as emissions from 100 cars every year. A kilogram of anaesthetic gas produces 1,620 kg of carbon dioxide.

BENGALURU: The water coolers at VMware Software's city office no lon ger serve as gossip cor ners Employees of the Palo Alto California-headquartered virtual computing firm here prefer huddling by

Light can put active materials into motion and humans can use this movement for development of new programmable materials which can be used for environment protection and deliver pharmaceutical sub

Low cost coupled with varied use options is acting as a deterrent even for informed citizens to kick the habit, say speakers
