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Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Subhash C. Pandey Vs Municipal Corporation Bhopal & Others dated 28/10/2013 on pollution of Shahpura Lake, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh .

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/34-2013(CZ)(OA)_28Oct2013.pdf

If National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) has its way, fishermen along the Tamil Nadu coast can sail just a few kilometres into the sea once in a few months and return with a catch of 10 ton

A seven-month ban on fishing was on Thursday clamped from November 1 by the Odisha Government within 20 km from the river mouths of Dhamara, Devi and Rusikulya in Gamjam district for protecting nes

Failure to protect Antarctic waters long-term could leave it vulnerable to oil drilling and fishing within 15 years

Almost all wild caught marine fish for the aquarium trade will die within a year of capture, according to WWF.

As per the estimate, the state energy department has suffered maximum losses due to the cyclone and flood. The state government has requested the Centre to provide Rs 4,242.

Preparing a health card for an ecosystem may sound a strange concept. However, an exercise to make one for Gujarat’s famous Marine National Park and Gulf of Kutch is currently underway.

Vincent Island has over 15 hectares of mangroves

The estuarine Vincent Island on Ashtamudi Lake at Shakthikulangara in Kollam is a private property covered by over 15 hectares of rich mangrove forests. The island is the only place in India where the rare yellow mangrove ( Ceriops tagal ) is found. But, the ecologically vital mangrove forests there stand threatened by development activity.

Ground water is a significant source for drinking, agricultural and aquaculture purposes in Godavari region. Groundwater if contaminated due to manmade activities cause concern on environment and human health. The aim of the present study is to review the impact of aquaculture on environment briefly and to assess the ground water quality in East Godavari District. Aquaculture activities are major impact on water resources-they are physical, chemical and biological.

To restore the renowned Khajiar lake in Chamba to its original shape, principal bench of National Green Tribunal (NGT) at Shimla on Tuesday formed a seven members team headed by Principal Chief Con
