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NABARD's state focus paper 2014-15 for the state of Madhya Pradesh (MP) focuses on two important aspects viz., estimation of sectoral potential for credit on a scientific and rational basis to provide a development perspective for the State, as also suggesting an incisive coverage of critical infrastructure requirements and gaps to be bridged for development of each of the sectors. Read full text.

Nepal has been ranked 139th in the Environmental Performance Index 2014, which assessed 178 countries across the world.

India has been ranked at a low 155th position in this global index that places countries on how well they perform on high-priority environmental issues.

HIGH mercury levels are poising a big threat to public health in some regions as people eat fish from mercury contaminated river waters to become exposed to various diseases.

Chile's supreme court has ruled in favor of local fishermen who say Endesa Chile's Bocamina coal-fired facility kills marine life and pollutes ocean water, but it said halting its operations was a

High level of mercury was detected in human body and fresh water fishes in different parts of the country, revealed a recent study that has not yet been published.

Fish population has been found to be very low during a survey currently in progress in 13 major creeks of Sindh. So far, 147 species of marine fauna have been identified.

Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Ministry is aiming to increase the fisheries sector income to Rs 50,000 million in the near future, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister

Indigenous fish species, particularly the small ones, are on the verge of extinction due to sharp declining of breeding and grazing fields of the fish species in the vast Barind tract.

The Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Ministry has launched a special program to protect sharks that are facing the threat of extinction.
