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The Global Climate Risk Index 2014 has ranked Pakistan among the three most affected countries worldwide for three consecutive years by climate-related catastrophes. Read more in this November 2013 edition of the Monthly Pakistan State of the Environment Report published by the South Asia Environment Portal. Read and Share.

“With the change in atmosphere, animals, plants and ecosystems, such as oceans are also changing.

Mumbai: The state fisheries department has set up a committee to study the effects of industrial pollution on fish in Maharashtra’s coastal waters.

In a government resolution, the fisheries department has directed the study of waters at creeks, estuaries and the sea to ascertain the effect of pollution on fish and how it has impacted the livelihood of the fishing community.

As part of its annual mission to ensure the safe mid-sea sojourn of breeding Olive Ridley sea turtles in Gahirmatha marine sanctuary area of Odisha, the Coast Guard has launched 'Operation Oliver'.

CHANDRAPUR: The lives and the nesting place of thousands of migratory birds visiting the ash pond of Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station (CSTPS) are under threat from illegal farming and fishing

Despite abundant freshwater aquaculture resources in the state, Odisha depending on Andhra Pradesh to meet its demand for fish is really unfortunate, said experts at a workshop organized at the Cen

Kerala Perspective Plan 2030 (KPP 2030) is a twenty year integrated strategic plan with a concrete policy framework and a well-defined Action Plan. Read the draft.

Sindh's inland fishermen fear that fast shrinking water resources may cause devastation, as hundreds of fishermen depending on natural lakes, have become jobless.

Kendrapada: The annual fishing ban comes into effect at Gahirmatha marine sanctuary and Rushikulya beach from Friday. It will be in force till May 31.

A new FAO publication calls for greater national and international efforts to bring agricultural biotechnologies to smallholder producers in developing countries.
