The Draft Food Safety and Standards Regulations, 2009
have been prepared in consultation with various stake holders and after through deliberations in a series of meetings in the Food Safety Standards Authority of India. These Rules include qualification of the enforcement


Mumbai: In a clear violation of a 2008 amendment to the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act banning energy drinks with caffeine content more than 145 parts per million (ppm), the import and distribution of these drinks continues unabated.

The French High Biotech Council, in charge of advising the French Government on a wide range of biotech issues and composed of a scientific committee and a socio-economic committee, released its first report defining biotech-free production.

Many Joints Near Games Venues Not Up To Mark: CII Study
Deeksha Chopra | TNN

P.Oppili and Ramya Kannan

CHENNAI: The increased import of duplicate electronic goods, fake cosmetic products, hazardous toys, duplicate two-wheeler spare parts, mobile phone accessories and adulterated food products is causing concern among Customs officials.

But none is more worrying than adulterated food products that cause harm to those who consume them.

A common food bug that causes thousands of people to fall ill with diarrhoea and abdominal cramps is present in almost two-thirds of the chicken sold in Britain, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) said on Tuesday.

The Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 seeks to regulate the law relating to advertising and unfair trade practices in the food sector. Section 3(1)(b) The Act defines

The Codex basic texts on food hygiene lay a firm foundation for understanding how rules and regulations on food hygiene are developed and applied. The General Principles of Food Hygiene cover hygiene practices from primary production through to final consumption, highlighting the key hygiene controls at each stage.

In this paper, European food safety legislation is presented, and special attention is devoted to monitoring residues of veterinary drugs in foodstuffs of animal origin. After a short review of the state of the art of analytical methodology for antibiotic residue analysis, the paper focuses on validation of analytical methods, with Decision 657/2002/EC as reference document.
