School children in the US were served 200,000 kilos of meat contaminated with a deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria before the nation's second largest meat packer issued a recall in 2009.

School children in the US were served 200,000 kilos of meat contaminated with a deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria before the nation's second largest meat packer issued a recall in 2009. A year earlier, six babies died and 300,000 others got horribly sick with kidney problems in China when one of the country's top dairy producers knowingly allowed an industrial chemical into its milk supply.

The energy drinks market in the country is worth Rs 200 crore and is growing unregulated and several studies confirm that  energy drinks can be unsafe. But in India these drinks are labelled as proprietary food that has no prescribed standards. Read this special report in Down to Earth to find more.

Despite a dramatic growth in certified fisheries, the Marine Stewardship Council has not been able to convincingly prove that it has reversed the overexploitation of global fisheries.

The increasing globalization of food trade has resulted in India being a fast emerging market for probiotic products.

These rules may be called the Prevention of Food Adulteration (1st Amendment) Rules, 2011.  They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the Official Gazette.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announcement on November 17, 2010, that caffeine is an unsafe food additive to alcoholic beverages will effectively make several “premixed” alcoholic energy drinks prohibited for sale in the United States.

The draft Food Safety and Standards Rules 2011 has been notified in the Gazette of India on 19/01/2011. These rules may be called the Food Safety and Standards Rules, 2010. The draft Food Safety and Standard Rules, 2011 which the central Government proposes to make, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 91 of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006).

The revised draft of food safety and standards regulations 2010 released by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards Regulations, 2010.

The literature regarding consumer demand for safer food in developing countries is scant, and the general assumption is that these consumers
