India is the first nation in the world to officially recognise the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) for organic certification. For this, the government of India must be warmly applauded.

The Government on Tuesday said that 68.4 per cent samples of milk tested last year were found to be non-conforming to the food safety regulations.

India started exporting a small amount of honey in 1991-1992 and has now established itself as an important honey exporter to the world market. The quantity exported has increased substantially, and today India exports honey to 62 countries, including Germany, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

A bid by the Philippines to extend special treatment on rice imports at the WTO is being blocked by the US over health and safety standards for frozen meat, the Filipino agriculture minister claimed last Thursday. The two sides met today in the Philippines in an attempt to resolve the row.

The standards for food products and additives have been prescribed in the Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011. These standards are substantially the same as were notified under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules 1955 which got repealed on 5th August, 2011.

Read this new report on National Survey on Milk Adulteration 2011 conducted by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India to ascertain the quality of milk and identify different type of adulteration in the liquid milk throughout the country.

The following draft of certain regulation further to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and labeling) Regulations, 2011, which the Food Safety

n 2008, 36 million people died from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). 1 By 2020, NCDs are projected to cause almost three quarters as many deaths as communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional diseases, and by 2030 to exceed them as the most common causes of death. 2 On Sept 19, 2011, the UN will take an important step towards modification of the future course of NCDs at the High-level Meeting on Non-communicable Diseases.

The supporters of liberalisation often argue that if the modern food retail sector is allowed a full round of liberalisation, it may have various positive outcomes, including a reduction in prices. This article raises a counter question, what if the markets, as it happens in several instances, fail to deliver on account of the structural snags that may continue to persist in a rapidly growing and yet highly segmented economy?
