Greens Seek Compensatory Planting Drive

The public works department’s (PWD) plans to cut down trees for widening Main Central Road (MC Road) – connecting Ernakulam and Thiruvananthapuram – have run into trouble as environmentalists have come out against the move demanding implementation of compensatory tree planting programme or announcing a project to replant uprooted trees.

The Environment and Renewable Energy Ministry has taken steps to set up Environment Protection Committees in each district with the intention of obtaining public support to increase forest cover in

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003, namely: These rules may be called the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Rules, 2014.

Plantation and conservation of forest cover on the bank of Narmada— main source of water supply to Indore, will significantly reduce water treatment cost, thereby easing burden from Indore Municipa

Read text of Maharashtra Village Forest Rules 2014 released by the state government on March 5 2014 to to institutionalize an effective management regime for conservation and long-term sustainability of forests.They apply to part of such reserved forests (RF) or protected forests (PF) in the village as assigned under the Indian Forest Act (IFA) 1927.

The Code - sustainable management of forests and biodiversity — has stressed the need to carry out forest conservation without affecting the livelihood of villagers. It has been prepared by the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun.

China is on track to meet its 2020 target for expanding the nation's forests to cover 23 percent of its landmass to combat climate change and soil erosion, the State Forestry Administration (SFA) s

It is an inconvenient truth that the poorest people in India live in the country's richest forests. The management of this green wealth has not brought any benefits to the locals

Pastoralists of Banni area of Kutch region in Gujarat have claimed community rights under 'The scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006' which

Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, the UPA government has decided to push a Rs 46000 crore ambitious mission to increase forest cover in the country.
