Chunks of Intanki National Park in Nagaland are sold for Rs 2,500 a hectare as the forest department looks on. Read this Down To Earth Report on  encroachers’ settlements in this national park.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Madhavan Pillai Foundation for Conservation has selected G Kannan, a forest watcher at Periyar Tiger Reserve in Thekkady, for the Madhavan Pillai Conservation Award-2011 instituted by the Foundation.

Addressing a news conference here on Friday, Balan Madhavan, director of the Foundation, said that Kannan, who has been serving as an anti-poaching watcher and speed boat d

There was a wide variability in the levels of awareness about eco-tourism among the tourists, the local villagers and the forest officials. Of the two components, viz. environmental and social welfare, the latter was not understood by many.

Tarsh Thekaekara's response (4 September 2010) to our article "Can a Tiger Change its Stripes? The Politics of Conservation as Translated in Mudumalai" is welcomed for opening up in public a debate on tiger reserves that has remained regrettably confined to the corridors of power.

C. K. Chandramohan DEHRA DUN: The Uttarakhand Government's decision to form a special Corbett tiger protection force with 30 per cent reservation for Van Gujjars and other forest dwellers has been described as a good step, but it violates the fundamental right to a full-time job and security to the “technically skilled” forest dwellers.

The death of a tiger last month, two and a half years after it was brought to Sariska, proves the National Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan is not safe for the big cat. The death also brought to light little action has been taken on the recommendations of the Tiger Task Force, set up in 2005 to look at tiger conservation in the country.

The Jumbo Fund, set up by the Kumble Foundation, on Monday honoured nine employees of the Forest Department for their contribution to protecting the State

The Elephant Task Force

An assessment of the task force report, both in terms of the value of its recommendations and implementability and a comparison with the implementation of the Tiger Task Force recommendations of 2005.

The death of a tiger last month, two and a half years after it was brought to Sariska, proves the National Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan is not safe for the big cat. The death also brought to light little action has been taken on the recommendations of the Tiger Task Force, set up in 2005 to look at tiger conservation in the country. That was the year when Sariska lost all its tigers.
