Germany, for being world leader in the renewable energy, is ready to extend co-operation to Pakistan in bridging gap between the demand and supply of electricity in the country which is passing through worst energy crisis at the moment.

Britain is to push on with its nuclear plant building plans and let existing reactors run as normal, the government said on Wednesday after its nuclear watchdog dismissed fears of a Fukushima-like disaster in the UK.

Britain's position contrasts with Japan, Germany and Italy which are re-thinking their nuclear plans after a huge earthquake and tsunami sparked the world's worst nuclear disaster

A divisive European debate over the green credentials of biofuels has stalled investment, but the stalemate may soon be over for advanced biofuels and some types of bioethanol.

The debate over biodiesel, however, looks set to rage on.

After a two-year investigation, the European Commission has decided that the complex issue of "indirect land use change" (ILUC) can lessen carbon savings from

German drivers are reluctant to buy a new gasoline blend with a higher biofuel content, the country's oil industry association said on Friday.

Germany this year raised the maximum permitted level of bioethanol blended in gasoline to 10 percent from 5 percent as part of Germany's programme to protect the environment by cutting CO2 emissions.

But sales since the introduction three months ago h

Government support for renewable energy must end gradually and in tandem with cuts in fossil fuel subsidies, say investors and lobbyists who complain bitterly about unpredictable chopping of incentives.

Most green energy sources still struggle to compete with fossil fuels except in favorable areas, for example for onshore wind in coastal areas of western Europe or in Texas.

Supporters accept

Germany aims to cut bureaucratic red tape that can hold up the construction of offshore windparks by bundling and transferring all responsibility for their approval process to one state authority.

"This draft bill is a key first step toward a new energy concept by the federal government," transportation minister Peter Ramsauer said Wednesday.

In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaste

Germany on Monday launched its first commercial-size wind power park in the Baltic Sea, adding to some small existing capacity in the North Sea, operator EnBW said.

The 48.3 megawatt unit called Baltic 1, which is some 16 kilometers north of the Darss/Zingst peninsula, has started feeding power into the national grid, the utility said.

Baltic 1, which took three years to build and can supply

In the backdrop of delay in releasing the First Start Fund under UN framework, Bangladesh has sought accelerated bilateral support from developed countries and donor agencies to address climate change vulnerability.

The state minister for environment and forests, Hasan Mahmud, Sunday held a luncheon meeting with diplomats of the developed countries and lending agencies at state guest house Padm

California, April 12: Popular Internet engine Google has invested $168 million to help complete the construction of one of the world

The official German energy balance includes energy flows for fuels (e.g. do-
