Global warming has led to many plants blooming ever earlier and also before honey bees emerge from hibernation, leading to fears of a long-term decline in pollination.

A combined research group centred at Munich's Technical University (TU) has carried out a study into how bees are dealing with the change in global temperatures.

Neuroscientists study social risk factor for mental illness.

More than half of the world’s population now lives in cities, making the creation of a healthy urban environment a major policy priority. Cities have both health risks and benefits, but mental health is negatively affected: mood and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in city dwellers and the incidence of schizophrenia is strongly increased in people born and raised in cities.

Germany's nuclear lobby is mulling plans to take the German government to constitutional court, to halt the country's nuclear exit and seek billions in damages, the online edition of Der Spiegel said on Sunday.

A legal opinion commissioned by utility E.On has concluded that the German government's plan to exit nuclear energy by 2022 is unconstitutional, Spiegel's Web site said.

The legal opi

Aizawl: A German development bank and the Mizoram government have signed an agreement to raise adaptive capacity of the people against climate changes.

CHENNAI: The outbreak of E.Coli that has claimed 30-odd lives in Germany and other European countries is a grim pointer of the extent of damage these organisms floating in the environment can cause.

India is on track to produce 700 megawatts of solar power at a cost of $2.2 billion by December, ahead of an initial target for an ambitious plan that seeks to boost green power generation from near zero to 20 gigawatts (GW) by 2022.

Under India's Solar Mission, investors bid to build solar power plants and the winning bids are determined by the electricity tariff that they accept as viable.

Spider webs line the 50-story cooling towers, parts have been amputated for the scrap value of their nickel or copper, and the control room still has analog dials at Bellefonte 1, a half-built nuclear plant here that was shelved 23 years ago.

Residents say the reactor will benefit the local economy.

This does not seem like a particularly opportune moment to breathe life back into a reactor t

The number of new solar panel installations in Germany fell dramatically from March to May, making further cuts in feed-in tariffs from July unlikely, government and industry sources said on Wednesday.

Considerably less than 1,000 megawatts (MW) of capacity was installed in the world's biggest solar market during the so-called reference period laid out in Germany's Renewable Energy Act, people

The European Union can still deepen planned cuts to greenhouse gases beyond 20 percent, but the task is complex and has not been helped by controversy over nuclear power, the EU's climate chief said on Wednesday.

Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard is planning to reveal new research in July on the costs and benefits of deepening carbon emissions cuts to 30 percent by the end of this decade, f
