Two steps faltering, plan takes third step

After finding high levels of dioxin related compounds in breast milk of women living near landfills, a Vadodara based non governmental organisation intends to file a public interest litigation PIL against the Gujarat Pollution Control Board and the Vado

In the year 1998, Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (gspc), one of the fastest-growing groups in the energy sector and the only state-government owned e&p (Exploration and Production) company in the country, created a Special Purpose Vehicle, Gujarat State Petronet Ltd (gspl), to set up a comprehensive gas grid infrastructure in the state.

How can one conserve a wildlife sanctuary better? By flagrantly trespassing on one part of it. Then picking up the tab for planting trees on another in recompense. This is precisely the logic underlying a petition filed by Essar Oil Limited in the Supreme

The Indian plate is underthrusting the Eurasian plate by 4 to 5 centimetres a year. But our scientists move even slower. Are they waiting for the Big One to come, again without warning?

In the Indian context, the term deep sea has very little to do with depth. It refers to India s Exclusive Economic Zone: the 188 nautical miles of waters beyond the 12 mile territorial sea. Soon after the declaration of the Indian EEZ in 1976, there we

Spice, fruit juice and now weight watchers' manna

One month in the life of an endangered species in India

Pollution from small-scale industries has grown by leaps and bounds. So, building common effluent treatment plants (cetps) has become a fashion. The Union

#1 Who is the polluter? What is their waste-typology? This is the first critical and often make-or-break step. Get the property rights regime wrong and it is clear that nothing will work, is the
