Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) wishes to notify the public that the ongoing dry spell being experienced in most parts of the country is displacing wildlife from their traditional habitats in search o

Protecting and expanding suitable habitats for wildlife is key to the conservation of endangered species, but owing to climate and land use change the ideal habitats of today may not be fitting in

GOMBE, Tanzania — On the eastern shores of Lake Tanganyika, 16 kilometers (10 miles) north of the town of Kigoma in Tanzania, lies the green, dense forest of Gombe National Park.

South Asian cities have fallen lower in a ranking of the world’s most liveable cities due to the deteriorating quality of air.

Vienna has dislodged Melbourne for the first time at the top of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Global Liveability Index, strengthening the Austrian capital’s claim to being the world’s most plea

There are some major moves afoot in South Africa and Mozambique, as conservationists and researchers try moving elephants to help protect them from ivory poaching and habitat loss.

Rwanda has officially joined Africa50, a Pan-African infrastructure platform that was created to bridge the infrastructure gap.

Report of the Commissioner in the matter of Birendra Singh Vs Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change & Others dated July 2018 regarding constructions being carried out by M/s Devanya Resorts Pvt Ltd. which aims to create a township in an ecologically sensitive area, Jilling Estate village, Patti: Sarna, Tehsil: Dhari, District Nainital, Uttarakhand. The Applicant has alleged that this will cause damage to the ecology and hindrance to the free movement of the wildlife.

CAPE TOWN, May 28 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Bulelwa Makalima-Ngewana knows how much cash going green can save.

Kihansi catchment, characterized by steep slopes to the east and gentle slopes to the west and Kihansi gorge in particular, is internationally recognized as an important site for biodiversity withi
