Makrana, a small town in Rajasthan, is best known for the pristine white marble that went into the construction of that great monument of love, the Taj Mahal. However, it now attracts attention more for the deaths in the marble quarries.
This article analyses the implementation of the Ganga Action Plan and the various reasons for its failure in the highly polluted villages of Jajmau, clustered near Kanpur city.
This case study reports on how the various stakeholders came together to alleviate the problem of effluents discharged by factories in the industrial estates on the eastern periphery of Ahmedabad into the Kharicut canal that flows into the Khari, a tributary of the Sabarmati.
After the richer locals leased land/water from the poor cooperatives in the 1970s in Kolleru in Andhra Pradesh, the land has remained in the name of poor "beneficiaries", while the real fisherfolk work on meagre wages.
2005: High Level Committee: Appointed by Delhi High Court to monitor clean-up and remove encroachments, as directed by Supreme Court (SC) in March 2003
stay on eviction: The Gujarat High Court (HC) stayed the eviction of about 38,855 tribals across 11 districts of the state. This came after the HC admitted a public interest petition filed by the