Fresh vegetables grown in Poanta will now find their way to Gulf countries and metropolitan cities of India through Wal-Mart and Reliance chain of vegetable outlets. Himalaya Fresh, the brand that earlier signified frozen vegetables marketed by a Poanta-based entrepreneur, has now entered into a contract farming agreement with Poanta residents for vegetable production and its trading through international chains.

This article examines the traditional water resources in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, which is blessed with varied and bountiful natural water resources such as khads, nalas, baudis, nawns, chhrudus, khatris, wells etc. However a recent study has revealed that 20% of the traditional water resources are in disuse, many of them dying a natural death due to poor maintenance, disrepair and the availability of modern facilities such as hand pumps and taps.

Whereas for the construction of Sawra Kuddu Hydro Electric Project besides the Government land, some private land is also to be acquired by the H.P. Power Corporation Limited. Due to acquisition of private land for the project, some families will be affected but only one family shall become land less.

The need for the integrated Kashang HEP, located in the Sutluj basin which stores 9412 MW power potential being 46% of the total hydro power potential of the state, has therefore been considered in context of power shortage in Northern Region. The discharge characteristics of Kashang and Kerang khads is also favourable with unique parameter i.e.

Sainj Hydro Electric project would require land some of which is being acquired form private persons. The construction of the project will also involve under ground works, transportation of large quantities of material, more than usual activity in the area and therefore, all this is likely to have an impact on the lives of people living in the area. H.P.

As a consequence of the developmental programmes undertaken by the concerned agencies in the State of Himachal Pradesh, production of fruits and vegetables have shown an increasing trend over the past few decades. Inspite of this increasing trend, when we compare productivity levels with global figures, these have been found to be about 3-4 times less than the world average.

sea buckthorn, a shrub found in the cold desert regions of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, is well-known as a storehouse of vitamins and for its cholesterol busting properties. The plant has been now been found to work wonders for the liver too. Its anti-oxidant rich leaves may ward off liver ailments

"Price rise' is not just an urban, big city phenomenon as some sections of the political class would like to claim. Inflation is burning a hole in pockets of residents of smaller towns across the country from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh to Ernakulum in Kerala.

No one cares as rivers turn toxic

With no let-up in pollution by ash let loose after burning rice husk by industrial boilers the State Pollution Control Board has served notices on 15 units in the Baddi-Barotiwala-Nalagarh industrial area to switch over to alternative fuels like furnace oil, diesel or petrol for all boiler operations within a month. These units which comprise textile and paper mills have been directed to submit an action plan about switchover to an alternative fuel.
