It is no use trying to save the rainforests, warns a new study

Timber companiesfrom Asia stand to lose millions of dollars if a proposed law is passed by two cities in the US

Just when we thought that the threat to the ozone layer is over, it rears it head again. Vast forest fires in Indonesia over the last year have produced a large cloud of an ozone-destroying chemical,

Over 17 million people across Indonesia, the fourth largest nation of the world, are facing acute food shortages. Food and horticulture minister A M Saefuddin said that the country is at the brink

The devaluation of Indonesian currency in the international market has come as a boom to the farmers. Due to the devaluation of the rupiah, the US dollar based exports have become more valuable.

El Nino's little sister La Nina is all set to bring rain in abundance to Australia, Indonesia and some other parts of Asia

drug deal: The pharmaceutical major, Ranbaxy has planned to launch 25 brands worldwide in coming seven years. The company is also targeting drugs that would come off patents during this period.

About 70 per cent of forest fires have been estinguished, not just by the rains but because there is nothing left to burn, says Murdiansyah, an official of the East Kalimanthan Envi

Is it the hand of God, or the soiled hand of man? The buck is being passed even as flames stretching hundreds and hundreds of kilometres threaten lives, livestock and forests the world over, from Brazil to Indonesia. El Ni o is frequently blamed, but

The fires in Brazil and in Indonesia speak volumes of what happens when humans try to make a living by killing forests and neglecting the poor
