Of all dyes produced across the world, 11 per cent goes out as effluents. 2 per cent from manufacturing and as much as 9 per cent from colouring. Each year, India produces 64,000 tonnes of dyes, 7,040 tonnes of which are directly discharged into the envir

Fly ash based cement is a victim of bias

Industries, government, ignore apex court committee s proposals for effluent treatment

Where the floods meet the chemical badlands: an Ankleshwar factory

Even the polluters paid up. But not Gujarat s government

Upward revision in cost of effluent treatment plants resented

Recently the banks of river Gomti in Lucknow were unusually abuzz. Some people were struggling to wade through the sewage enriched river to scoop up thousands of dead fish; the bystanders looked on, probably contemplating the peril their city s lifeline

Water: industry is misusing it, but for how long?

Energy: economic and environmental compatibility

Agro based pulp and paper: technological inability?
