Two months ago, a massive strike by 18 trade unions threatened to completely hogtie work in the Rs 6,500-crore jute industry. On December 1, the unions went on an indefinite strike, demanding higher wages and settlement of pending financial negotiations.

Pune, August 29 The number of deaths in the industrial units of Pune district till July this year almost equals the total such deaths in the entire previous year. This is because there has been an increase in the numbers of hazardous units that are employing

This report provides detailed information on human risk of asbestos exposure and its health effects. Reveals that unorganized units have poor industrial hygiene conditions and recommends preventive measures to reduce the risk of workers exposed to asbestos.


Semiconductors, Cancer

India s first alliance of women affected by mining takes shape

Industrial workers need sell only their skills, not their health. A landmark Supreme Court verdict says that the right to occupational health falls within the meaning of Article 21 of the

WEST ASIAN countries have ample funds at their disposal thanks to their oil reserves, but they suffer a lack of adequate manpower. Men from Kerala are among those who have gone to these countries to

US PRESIDENT Bill Clinton was right when he predicted not everyone would be pleased with his solution to the timber crisis in the northwestern states (Down To Earth, May 31, 1993). Both

With technology advancing at a tremendous pace, companies are retrenching unskilled employees. The effect is being felt most in Europe
