E VIJAYALAKSHMI and RUHANI KAUR travel around Padre village, Kasargod district, Kerala and find what living with endosulfan has done to the area and its people
At Down To Earth (DTE) we believe that truth withheld is truth denied. Fresh evidence suggests a web of lies and deceit was weaved to declare that the pesticide endosulfan is not responsible for the horrendous mutations and ailments that many in the villages of Kerala’s Kasaragod district are suffering from.
India s wonder drug Jeevani developed by the Thiruvananthapuram based Tropical Botanic Garden Research Institute tbgri using the traditional knowledge of Kerala s Kani tribe hit the headlines a few years ago. It was heralded as the world s first pro
coke restrained: The bottling plant of Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited (HCBPL) at Plachimada in Kerala has temporarily stopped drawing groundwater from the area. The company had to