the Kerala government has finally promulgated the Kerala Forest (Vesting and management of ecologically sensitive lands) Ordinance, 2000, which gives it the power to take ownership of all lands

Human greed is putting an end to the traditional sacred groves in Kerala

A translation of select portions of President K R Narayanan s speech after presenting the award

Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are now used the worldover. But they still have not been able to compete with the old-faithful cathode ray tubes (CRTs), which are used to display high-quality images

The widespread attack of the mite Eriphyes guerreronis is threatening coconut plantations in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. However, according to researchers, trees raised with orga

Were medicinal plants exported without government permission?

The Pampa river in Kerala is dying a slow death

Dead fish have been washed ashore in Kerala

the Kerala government has requested the Centre to provide at least half of the estimated Rs 87 crore needed to fight and control widespread mite attack that is threatening to wipe out coconut

this is the day and age
