The raging row over raising of water level in the Mullaipperiyar dam remains unresolved with the Kerala state government locking horns with the Tamil Nadu (TN) and the Union government. At stake is

Scepticism hangs over Kerala's Tribal Rehabilitation and Development Mission and its master plan

Riverine fisherfolk, arguably the oldest among traders, are being sold down the river. An unholy synergy of poisoned rivers, government apathy and commercial interests has scripted the epitaph of the original stewards of the river. Ironically, their

The genetic variability of sandalwood trees in India has reduced considerably because of their increased susceptibility to diseases

Curbs on extraction of timber in Kerala s Wayanad district

From imposing restrictions on harvesting of shark species to having second thoughts about them, the authorities seem utterly confused

A division bench of the Kerala High Court dismissed a batch of writ petitions which challenged the inclusion of rivers and backwaters in the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification. The

The ban on conch shell trading has sent the industry into a tizzy

A dispuet is brewing between TN and Kerala over a controversial dam

The Plantation Corporation of Kerala Ltd (PCK) has been resorting to aerial spraying of the pesticide endosulfan for about 2 decades, 2 to 3 times an year, in 4696 ha of cashew plantation owned by it in Kasaragod district of Kerala for the control of tea-mosquito bug.  From 1979, there have been press reports on health abnormalities in the region adjoining the plantation.
