The effect of global warming, augmented by the rise in high-rises and dearth of enough green belts, will drastically affect the climatic conditions of Kochi.

In the next three decades, Kochiites will feel the ‘heat’ of this phenomenon as the annual average temperature of Kochi will see a significant increase of one per cent, warn experts.

Kochi: Cities across the world should share adaption strategies formulated to counter climate change, experts attending a two-day workshop on AsianCities Adapt-Impact of Climate Change in Target Ci

Kochi: A report by European organisation ICLE has warned that a part of Kochi could be submerged if average global temperatures increase by five per cent.

Representatives from 20 cities from across South Asia will come together in Kochi on Wednesday to learn from each other on the issue of adaptation to climate change at the seminar on Asian Cities

In a bid to fast-track metro rail projects in various cities, the ministry of urban development (MoUD) has proposed that these plans be exempted from environmental clearances for an area of up to f

With the Kochi Metro Rail Ltd (KMRL) stating that they have no intention to work out a parking policy for the city, the ball is back in Kochi corporation’s court, underlining the urgent need for th

Prominent environmental activists from Kochi surveyed the mangroves on Mulavakad island here on Tuesday, only to find that much of the mangrove wealth of the region had been destroyed in the name o

Environmental Impact Study Was Awarded By KMRL Only Recently

Even as the work on Kochi Metro rail is progressing as per schedule, authorities are still in the dark about the environmental impact of the project. While environmental impact assessment (EIA) must be done before starting the project, the Kochi Metro Rail Ltd (KMRL) has only completed tender procedures for conducting the EIA recently.

Kerala has been asked to set up a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for operating and managing the buses procured by the State with assistance of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).

Setting up the SPV is the main condition put forward to the Local Self-Government Department by the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) on Urban Infrastructure and Governance to release the first tranche of funds for the JNNURM extended scheme.

Consultant Appointed To Automate Buildings And Campus

In order to ensure stateof-the-art automated buildings and IT campus for SmartCity, Kochi, Tecom, the promoters of the project, has decided to prepare a digital master plan which will act as a blue print of the digital network system coordinating various operations. A consultant has been appointed for preparing the digital master plan which will incorporate the automated network into the design of the building and the campus.
