Politics gets the better of common sense on the issue of global warming. At the upcoming climate change talks in Buenos Aires, US led developed countries will try to ensure that ceilings on non domestic emission curbs do not materialise. They will press f

Industrialised nations have introduced a Clean Development Mechanism to meet their reduction targets. In the second part of her climate change report, NIKHAT JAMAL QAIYUM examines how these countries perverted the original Brazilian proposal to suit their

No emissions trading before modalities are finalised, says NAM

As Parties to the Climate Convention EU Member States have opted for a joint fulfilment of post-2000 greenhouse gas emission reduction obligations. No agreement could be reached on a joint EU target before the distribution of the burden of emission reductions among Member States had been agreed upon. This paper presents a sectoral approach to burden sharing, which incorporates important national circumstances. The three categories distinguished are the power sector, the internationally operating energy-intensive industry and the remaining domestically oriented sectors.

There is lot os uncertainly on the question of carbon sinks. To what extent can they actually absorb carbon dioxide emissions? And, should forests in the South be used as CO2 deposits for the North?

The subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UN FCCC met recently in Bonn, Germany. These were the first formal FCCC meetings since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol at the Third Conference of Parties COP 3 in De

KOK KEE CHOW, Current Chairperson of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice

Developing nations should not sit back and allow the US to do the thinking. They should find a way of making their contributions meaningful and, if necessary, even lobby for EU support to fight US pressure

Before looking for supporters elsewhere, the fossil fuel dependent North should take the first step in reducing carbon emissions at home

Developing nations should get more actively involved with international politics on climate change. They should propose and direct negotiations, rather than just react and respond
