Is your government signing away your future rights to the world s natural resources?

Ironically, the Kyoto Protocol with its emphasis on cheap options will actually push the world towards ecological catastrophe

South Korea, the world's 11th largest emitter of carbon dioxide ( co 2 ), is coming under increasing pressure from other countries in the world, especially the us , to reduce its carbon

Briefing paper on climate change for members of Parliament by Anil Agarwal - Calling upon policy makers to recognise India's stake in the international climate change negotiations.

US presidential candidates, predictably enough, harp on developing country participation but avoid mention of either per capita emissions or historical responsibility

A report presented at CoP 5 calls on the EU to stop waiting for the US and take leadership of the climate process

The Kyoto agenda shuffled along at the recent climate change meeting in Bonn, but climate change mitigation was still not in sight

environmental experts in industrialised nations feel that it will be impossible to achieve an international target to cut greenhouse gas emissions to levels recorded in the early 1990s by

The UK could earn up to US $1 billion in the sale of surplus emissions
