With no signs of a possible deal at the Climate Summit here, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today made it clear that future negotiations on tackling the menace should be based on equitable burden sharing as enshrined in Kyoto Protocol and Bali mandate.

Copenhagen: The Copenhagen climate meeting, which brought together 115 world leaders to deliberate on the perils facing the world from growing emissions, is near its bitter end. The conference has ended with meaningless commitments

Discussions Go On For Extra Day As World Leaders Try To Salvage Summit

Copenhagen: World leaders went into an extra night of discussions in a bid to hammer out a deal on climate change, prompting PM Manmohan Singh to delay his departure and huddle into discussions with US President Barack Obama and other summiteers.
Singh was scheduled to leave the

Two years of preparations. Two weeks of hectic negotiations. Presence of more than 110 high-profile heads of states. Nothing helped. The deal to save the world from catastrophic effects of climate change remains as elusive as ever.

But no one, least of all host Denmark, wants to admit that the Copenhagen climate change conference has been a failure.


HEADS of state of key countries worked into the wee hours of Friday morning while negotiators from 26 countries continued till daybreak in their attempts to put together a political declaration for the heads of states and governments to adopt on Friday.

Hosts in hectic parleys with select group of nations, including India, even as Rich vs Poor chasm keeps getting wider...

The focus must be on consumption and not production patterns, and reducing per capita emissions of developed countries must be the first step.

It has been a bumpy ride, with developed countries failing to make definite commitments and India hinting at a shift of stance.

World leaders are racing against the clock in an attempt to forge a deal on climate change in Copenhagen that hinges on resolving sharp differences between rich and poorer nations over emissions cuts and their monitoring.

I will refrain from lamenting the total mismanagement of COP 15 and the untold daily misery and shoddy treatment that visitors, including certain Parties (UN parlance for participating governments), had to put up with in gaining entry to the conference.
