JAMMU: Minister of State for Home and Urban Development, Nasir Aslam Wani today said that ` 219 crore was received from centre for conservation of Dal lake.

Replying to a question of Ajay Sadhotra in Upper House today Mr. Nasir said that based on the recommendations made by the experts, a comprehensive strategy and interventions are being implemented for cleaning the Dal lake, which included Point Pollution, Non Point Source of Pollution, Restoration of development works and Rehabilitation of Dal Dwellers.

Residents on outskirts of city face danger

Residents of the villages on the outskirts of the city have become mute spectators to pollution of lakes and ground water, which they use for domestic purposes and cattle. The pollution is due to sewage water discharged from the nearby quarters into the lakes, untreated.

PONDA: Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) officials on Monday inspected the lake at Arla-Keri, Ponda and collected water samples for tests.

The team, comprising Sanjay Kankonkar (scientific assistant), Ashely Pereira (engineering assistant) and Rema Kanlekar (junior laboratory assistant), said a report on the water samples would be available after 15 days.

In this new briefing paper Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) focuses on state of waterbodies, conservation and management in India and provides a review of the existing policies, acts and laws to tackle loss of urban water bodies.

With tendering of work for desilting the Arla Lake at Kerim, hope has dawned that the water body may finally get a new lease of life.

In a major crackdown, the vigilance team of Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) unearthed illegal discharge of hazardous effluents into Sabarmati and a nearby lake by certain textile processing

The CAG’s report on “Water Pollution in India” warns against the “drastic change in water quality” of Jammu and Kashmir’s Dal Lake, which is being destroyed by untreated sewage and fertilisers bein

As many as 22 dyeing units, which had illegally mushroomed near Karnataka-Tamil Nadu border, were seized and closed by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) recently.

The owners of these units, mainly migrants from Tamil Nadu had crossed the border and set up the units without obtaining any licence from the Board.

What was once a polluted water body, the Puttenahalli Lake in JP Nagar, 7th phase, today, stands rejuvenated with clean water.

The transformation of human settlements over time can affect the relationship between communities and commons when, for example, social geographies change from rural to urban, or from traditional systems of management to modern bureaucratic systems. Communities that were dependent on particular commons could become less dependent, or abandon those commons. New communities of interest might emerge. Examining the transformation of a lake in Bangalore, this paper argues that in the community struggle towards creating and claiming commons, claiming the sphere of planning is fundamental.
