Please act: The Supreme Court issued a notice to the Union government on January 3, 2004, in response to a petition by the Centre for Public Interest Litigation (CPIL) that seeks a thorough

Namibia has inched closer to its dream of resettling thousands of "land-hungry' and disadvantaged citizens through land reforms. The government recently completed the valuation of the country's

In a recent recall referendum the people of Venezuela reaffirmed their faith in President Hugo Chavez. As a token of gratitude Chavez vowed to step up certain agricultural reforms. However, the

Continue in Kerala over land

Madhya Pradesh s amended rehabilitation policy may render dam affected tribals of 14 villages landless

Relief may be in sight for Nepal's landless people, as the government gets ready to launch its new land reform programme. Under this, the government will purchase tracts and resell them to landless

Builders bending bhoodan rules in Gujarat

The gains made by Kerala through the land reform measures of the 1950s may be undone if the attempts at changing the limit on landholding and introducing contract farming by multinational companies

Winning vote banks through land redistribution is South African President Thabo Mbeki's new election strategy. Similar to Robert Mugabe's land acquisition drive in Zimbabwe, Mbeki is winding his

Liberalisation in India has not only affected humdrum life, but also popular cultural forms. This is palpable in the changing dynamics of the big screen. Indian cinema has become even more urbane now than ever before. No longer can the elite take a dek
