In an effort to provide more welfare facilities for the Scheduled Tribes, the tribal affairs ministry has sought diversion of forest land for health and education schemes for these communities.
This research aims to investigate change and transformation of open pastoral social-ecological systems in Mongolia and develop climate change adaptation options for pastoral communities with participation of herders, local and national governmental officers and scientists.
Mt. Cameroon, part of the Cameroon Highlands ecoregion, is the highest peak in West/Central Africa. The Cameroon Highlands is a biodiversity hotspot and its fertile volcanic soil has also made it a hotspot for both subsistence and commercial agricultural activities since the late 19th century.
Climate change will have significant impacts on agriculture, particularly in East Africa where there is such variation in topography and climate. Modelling studies can help to show where these impacts may be largest, to help guide adaptations to ensure food security in the coming decades. Results suggest that crop yield reductions may be expected over 50% to 70% of the area simulated.
Present biodiversity conservation programmes in the remaining extensive forest blocks of the humid tropics are failing to achieve outcomes that will be viable in the medium to long term. Too much emphasis is given to what we term
Social science literature on protected areas (PAs) has hitherto focused mostly upon how PAs have been designated at the expense of the interests of people living in and around the PA and how this has often resulted in conflict.
This paper examines the important risk factors and risk management measures as well as optimal farm plans in floodplains farming in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Findings show that the most important risk factors in floodplains farming are flood and drought. Farmers manage these risks through relay/sequential cropping, planting short gestation and flood tolerant crops.
This report uses economic models to analyse the macroeconomic, sectoral and household impacts of Australia reducing its greenhouse gas emissions under different targets and trajectories. Because responding to climate change is a global challenge, this report evaluates the impacts on Australia in the context of global action to reduce emissions.