The Strategic Framework on Development and Climate Change was endorsed by the Development Committee on October 12, 2008, providing a roadmap for the World Bank Group
The objective of this study is to review the evidence from the economics of climate change
literature to assess to what extent developing countries can move towards low or lower carbon
patterns of growth, without compromising economic growth.
In a nod to rising public expectations, China's government work plan for 2010, rolled out last week at the country's two major annual political powwows, puts the environment front and center. At the National People's Congress, officials announced that science priorities include new energy sources, energy conservation, environmental protection, and marine technology.
This paper analyses the past pattern of economic growth of India, energy use and carbon emission and examines to what extent India has been able to restrain the growth of her carbon emission and what factors have been responsible to what extent for such changes in CO2 emission.
This paper reviews available scientific evidence for global warming, the working of the multilateral environmental agreement for tackling the climate change problem and menu of policy options available for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It shows that India
The Task Force recommends that UNFCCC parties agree at COP 15 to create a set of public-private initiatives in close consultation with business and other non-governmental experts. This would create a bottom-up dimension to the world
There are two opposing visions of the new climate regime and the unresolved issue is whether the multilateral consensus at Paris will be around climate justice, reflecting the concerns of the majority of the human population, or environmental integrity, which reflects the approach adopted in the negotiation text, released on 5 October 2015.