Citizens, governments and the United Nations increasingly are embracing a new paradigm for development: the Green Economy. Proponents seek to develop their economies along pathways of higher, more equitable growth at lower carbon, energy and resource intensity. The Green Economy is pro-growth and pro-jobs, as well as pro-environment.

There were tears, standing ovations and sheer relief after 12 days of frenetic negotiations. As the sun rose over Canc

The "triumph" of Cancún's climate negotiations may be largely diplomatic, but the foundations for a new, low-carbon world are already being laid regardless.

In keeping with their close camaraderie on the issue of climate change, India and China on Thursday signed an MoU on green technology that will enable them to jointly explore low-carbon technology solutions to drive their fast-growing economies.

The MoU was one of the six agreements signed by the two countries after talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and visiting Chinese Premier Wen Ji

This document contains the speech by Mr Jairam Ramesh, Minister of Environment & Forests, India and leader of Indian delegation, delivered at Cancun in the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP-16) on December 8, 2010.

IN HIS speech to Parliament during his historic visit to India, President Barack Obama detailed his vision for a US-India global partnership to meet global challenges

This new publication presents the low carbon development path for Asia and the Pacific. It shows that  this region must overcome several challenges to secure the growing energy requirements needed to maintain strong development trend while at the same time pursue a low carbon development path.

In the backdrop of an intensified debate on climate change and a wider consensus on finding action oriented solutions, the emphasis on carbon markets in any post-2012 climate policy agreement has become vital.

By the year 2050, the world will need to reduce its carbon intensity by around 88% if it hopes to limit climate change to 2°C of warming.  So concludes PwC’s Low Carbon Economy Index 2010, a report assessing the G20 countries’ achievements in reducing their carbon intensity levels—defined as the ratio of emissions to GDP—since 2000, and analysing the distance ea

The objective of this publication is to highlight the global and regional trends in urban development, identify key issues, projected risks, impacts and opportunities in the light of climate change through case study examples from cities in India and throughout the world.
