Chimpanzees in West Africa may have used stone tools to crack nuts 4,300 years ago, says a recent study. Archaeologists Julio Mercader and Christophe Boesch published their study in the journal

Congo rebel troops blamed for the recent slaughter of critically endangered mountain gorillas in Central Africa have agreed to stop further ape killings. The agreement was reached under the mediation

numbers phobia: Children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) have particular difficulty understanding numbers and sequences, a University of Alberta study shows. An assessment of 50

older, the better: Researchers studying chimpanzee-mating preferences have found that male chimpanzees prefer older females. The study, published in Current Biology , found that older females were

In this paper I address the general perception that agricultural activities are the principal threat to primate biodiversity in the tropics and argue that in Neotropical landscapes some agricultural practices may favor primate population persistence, and that this situation merits attention and investigation.

The Japanese people face a cultural and ecological challenge in seeking a new relationship between themselves and the Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). Monkeys are a major agricultural pest. Monkey habitat often lies within a short distance from fields and villages, and vice versa, especially in mountainous areas.

hiv origin: The origin of HIV that causes AIDS has been found in wild chimpanzees living in southern Cameroon, according to an international team of scientists. A virus called SIVcpz (Simian

Human primate split more recent than believed

How humans differ from primates

Two viruses from the infamous retrovirus family found
