India typically witnesses water scarcity during summer months, but the situation this year is particularly grim in western and southern states

Clouds strongly modulate regional radiation balance and their evolution is profoundly influenced by circulations. This study uses 2001–16 satellite and reanalysis data together with regional model simulations to investigate the spring shortwave cloud radiative effect (SWCRE) and the associated circulations over so

Jaipur: The rural development and panchayati raj department will plant a minimum of 100 fruit trees at each of the villages during the monsoon season.

Nearly two-thirds of the country's area has recorded either deficient or highly deficient rains

Civic body's public health department trains its medical staff for dealing with monsoon-related diseases in city

Climate over India during 2018 was significantly warm in respect of temperature. The annual mean temperature for the country this year was +0.40°C above the 1981-2010 average, thus making the year 2018 as the sixth warmest year on records since the nation-wide records commenced in 1901.

Uttarkashi district faces acute water scarcity during the summer season. Many experts say that the reason for this crisis is because the region lacks efficient water management practices.

BHOPAL: Water crisis is back haunting the people in the state as the sun gets harsh making summer intense.

Mine workers in Sardih, Salanpur, Khaskenda, Neokenda, Pandebswar, Harishpur and Haripur said illegal mining at present has come to a halt and the de

The water level in Somasila dips to 4.684 tmc ft which is lower than the dead storage level.
