
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa), usa, has announced a new open-source project called Cosmoscode. The project, which will be open to the public in coming weeks, aims to

Scientists recently presented fresh evidence of the possibility of water having once flowed on Mars. A nasa spacecraft currently orbiting Mars has captured photographs that depict equatorial ridges

A small group of students in Brooklyn, usa, have designed a plan for living with climate change. The students look ahead 50 years to see how rising seas might flood the Brooklyn waterfront

Environment: "Geo-engineering" is the direct use of technology to counteract climate change. The idea is highly controversial

the brown haze over north-India's sky could portend a dry future. Caused by liquid pollutants suspended in air, the aerosol cloud, infamous for its effects on crops and human health, may result in

birth and death of stars has intrigued scientists all along. A recent study has dispelled the notion that massive stars die with violent accompaniments such as bursts of light and ejection of

older, the better: Researchers studying chimpanzee-mating preferences have found that male chimpanzees prefer older females. The study, published in Current Biology , found that older females were

A new study by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa) scientists has found that the world temperature is reaching a level that has not been seen in thousands of years. The study,

oceans have cooled substantially during some of the warmest years in recent times, claims a study. During the years 2003 and 2005, which saw the highest global average surface temperatures in more

using gadgets available on three satellites, scientists at the us National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa) have measured the complete water cycle of an entire continent
