Vijaypura has ensured its place in history. It is here that the right to information movement led by the Mazdoor Kissan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) was born in Rajasthan. A Dalit is the sarpanch of the village. The rural jobs scheme is also vigorously implemented here.

The National Conference of Ministers of Environment and Forests was held on 18th August, 2009 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The aim of the Conference was to enhance cooperation and identify concrete actions in priority areas for protecting the environment and forests.

Climate change poses particularly difficult challenges for India. On the one hand, India does not want any constraints on its development prospects. On the other, it also wants to be seen as an emerging global power that requires a leadership role on key global issues like climate change.

Minister of State for Rural Development Pradeep Jain today informed the Rajya Sabha that the Harvard Centre for Population and Development Studies had observed that the potential of NREGA is not fully implemented because the scheme had led to inflation and undermines self-selection of poor.

The coastal district of Balasore too has not been spared of the migration curse. If lack of job opportunities was the reason for the exodus in KBK region, floods and resultant poor agricultural activities are the reasons in this flood-prone district.

There is an imbalance between the expansive vision expressed by the draft Act and the narrow means it seeks to achieve it.

Teena Thacker

Every year, tribal children from various districts of Rajasthan migrate to Gujarat to work in the Bt cotton fields. However, this year they have stayed back. Reason: they have illegally been working under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) scheme using the job cards of their parents.

FEW employment generation programmes have created as much buzz as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. The scheme is aimed at benefiting BPL households in rural India by enabling at least one member of such households to find guaranteed employment as unskilled labour for at least 100 days in a year.

The inevitable displacement of indigenous people due to transformation of their habitats for use in industrial projects is one of the consequences of the Indian economic growth story. Many issues abound

The 2009 Budget is a politically powered effort to counter the effects of the global slowdown. Higher allocations across schemes for rural India are expected to trigger demand at the bottom of the pyramid and drag the economy out of the trough. The idea, though, is a big gamble. Already fiscal deficit is 6.8 per cent and borrowings at a record high.

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