Enable Block: 

In 2012 the world lost more than 20 million hectares of forest, adding to the threats faced by hundreds of millions of tropical-forest-dependent people, including at least 350 million indigenous people, who inhabit, use, have customary rights to, and rely on forests for their identity and survival as distinct peoples.

In Noida, barren trees is becoming a common site. Trees are being chopped off indiscriminately to make space for electric wires and cables.

Climate change vulnerability assessments (CCVAs) help us to understand the extent to which ecological and human systems are likely to be affected by climate change and provide information on sensitivity and exposure to changes in climate as well as the adaptive capacity of systems and populations to withstand these changes.

The geographical location of Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal leaves the country susceptible to significant climate change impacts that exacerbate environmental hazards. In the urban context, disasters and hazards are posed by flood and waterlogging, earthquakes and fires.

This publication lists the organizations that have reported that they are using the Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI), identifies trends among those organizations in terms of their missions and locations, and provides short case studies on a small number of such organizations.

The new Global Paper Vision harmonises several regional vision statements for industry reform around the world into a more coordinated effort to match the globalised supply chain for paper products and raw materials.
