Ground water is a dynamic and replenishable resource and monitoring spatial and temporal changes of this resource is essential for sustainable development and management. The water level data is of paramount importance in development and management of water resources in the country.

Status report of Arunachal Pradesh Biodiversity Board in the matter of Chandra Bhal Singh Vs Union of India in Original Application 347/2016.

Report filed by the Mizoram Pollution Control Board in response to the National Green Tribunal order of November 15, 2019 in Original Application No. 681 of 2018 on air pollution.

The capital of Mizoram, Aizawal city has four manual air monitoring stations which were in operation since 2005 till date and one Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Sensor (CAAQMS) at Sikulpuikawn. Air pollution data displayed for public using LED Display Board since February 2020 in Aizawal.

Order of the High Court of Manipur in the matter of The Manipur Valley Village Reserve Forest Rights Protection Association Vs State of Manipur & Others dated 03/06/2020.

The petitioner had filed a PIL on the issue of forests and reserved forests of Manipur, which were being denuded and illegally encroached for various activities. The order noted that the "destruction of forests and invasion/intrusion of human beings in the forest domain displacing forest species appears to be a major factor for the series of diseases like the present COVID-19."

Field trial of a patented fluoride removal method, based on precipitation–adsorption, has been carried out in some villages of Assam, North East India, with groundwater sources containing 1.8–20 mg/l initial [F– ] at small community (220 l) and household (15 l) levels.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Threat to life arising out of coal mining in South Garo Hills district Vs State of Meghalaya & Others dated 17/01/2020 regarding unscientific rat hole mining in the state of Meghalaya - for preventive and remedial action. The committee appointed for the purpose submitted its 6th Interim Report dated December 3, 2019.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Centre for Environment Protection Vs Union of India & Others dated 30/10/2019 regarding Chalfilh Tourist Destination Phase I & II, Mizoram.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jorjo Tana Tara Vs Union of India & Others dated 30/08/2019 regarding indiscriminate felling of trees in reserved forest area which is part of Papum Reserved Forest, and part of Pakke Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh. Even though the government authorities were aware of the fact, no effective action was taken. Such large scale felling can create man-animal conflict threatening the survival of tigers in the area. The forests are also sites for hornbill breeding and nesting.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Aabhijeet Sharma Vs Union of India & Others dated 31/07/2019. The applications seek reconstitution of the Committee constituted by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) in pursuance of order of the Tribunal dated 16.10.2017 for Subansiri Lower Hydro Electric Project (SLHEP).

Background of the Case:

Judgement of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of State of Meghalaya Vs All Dimasa Students Union & Others dated 03/07/2019 regarding unregulated coal mining in the tribal areas of Meghalaya, which has resulted in not only loss of lives but damage to the environment of the area.

The following directions were passed by the SC: 
