A switch in the species of phytoplankton dominating the Southern Ocean off Antarctica could accele

The potential cost to humanity when marine resources fail are serious enough to warrant international concern.

THE whale shark is one of the biggest, mysterious and until recently, least loved of all marine creatures. They are the world's largest fish, growing up to 12 metres long and weighing up to 11 tonne.

The seas around the UK will not be free of radioactive discharges for several years

Scientists discover "chimneys" on the sea floor, hope to get an insight into how the ecosystem works

Grown only in a few developed nations till now, the nutrient rich spirulina algae comes to India

STUDIES have revealed that Cogema, the operator of the state-owned La Hague reprocessing plant, has installed inadequate equipment off the plant's discharge pipe, 30 metres under the sea, in a futile

THE British government have planned to press for a complete ban on the dumping of steel oil installations in the sea. The proposal will come during meeting of environment ministers in Sintra,

1998. The International Year of the Ocean. But the news from the deep is not good

The ocean covered about half the surface area of other continents
