One of the country's largest landfill sites, being readied at Gyaspur-Pirana on the outskirts of the city, will soon see a captive power plant in the coming months.

The historic development pathway of Europe and the US is clearly not sustainable in developing Asia, with its larger population, constrained by resource limitations, and now facing the global challenges of climate change. So far, however, Asia has not framed an alternative future that simultaneously provides for an escape from poverty, improves standards of living, and responds to the need for a low carbon, climate resilient sustainable development pathway.

Urban India is likely to face a massive waste disposal problem in the coming years. Traditionally, the problem of waste has been seen simply as one of cleaning and disposing. But a closer look at the current and future scenarios reveals that waste needs to be treated holistically, recognising its natural resources roots as well as its health impacts.

Udupi CMC has chalked out plans for beautification and development of pollution free city in preparation for the platinum jubilee celebrations of CMC in 2010.

Industrial designer Virginia Gardiner has designed not just a new toilet, but a new closed-loop management system that will allow individuals to, basically, recycle their poop. Yeah, I just said that.

But give her idea a few minutes of your attention, because it's really not as gnarly as it sounds.
